Really enjoyed chatting with the guy who does what I do – but in the town I grew up in. David Yas runs Pod617, the Boston Podcast Network. We begin with his eclectic background as a lawyer, in the newspaper business, and more – and how he got into podcasting.
In forming the Boston Podcast Network, David really cultivated an eclectic group of talent, including radio veterans, comedians, and other local personalities.
David shares the story of one of his favorite interviews, when Whitey Bulger’s attorney, Jay Carney, told him all kinds of stories about Whitey’s past. This leads to a discussion of the art of interviewing – and letting your guest talk, as opposed to sticking to the script.
We also get into how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected David and his business – how he’s pivoted to working with clients remotely. We look at how that might affect podcasting in the future in terms of in-person vs remote recordings, and how other emerging technologies could impact the industry.
David actually started a program where he sends microphones to clients that are recording remotely. He explains the thought behind that.
We take a look at Squadcast, Izotope, and wonder why professional broadcasters aren’t taking the small steps to sound and look good – when it’s so easy to do so!
Finally, I would be remiss to not ask David how The City of Champions is coping in a world without sports.
Whitey Bulger Interview:
Pod 617 Website:
The Boston Podcast:
My interview with Mick Foley:
My website: