My tip this week doesn’t explicitly related to podcasting – We are all stressed. Find your escape, and lean into it – especially over the next week or so.
I’m recording this on Thursday, the final day of Podcast Movement virtual. While it’s impossible to duplicate the in-person excitement of an event like this, the organizers did a great job under the circumstances. A couple additional takeaways:
Shante Holley did a nice session, The Gift of Transparency: Fostering Connections with Your Listeners. She talked about being real with your audience when life throws difficulties at you. This will create a bond with your listeners. I can attest to this – when my best friend was killed by a drunk driver in 2006, I went on the radio and talked about it. People called in all night. Be real. It’s what made radio great, and why podcasting can be so powerful.
Late last week, Rob Walch from Libsyn echoed my sentiments that your podcast doesn’t need video. According to Rob, ONLY 14 of the top 50 Aggregator Apps fully support Video, and ZERO of the Top 200 Episodes in Apple Podcasts are Video. (10/18/20)
Again, the power of an audio podcast is that it goes where video can’t. Still don’t believe me? NETFLIX is testing out an audio-only version that will let you listen to something on the go without actually watching it.
Speaking of conferences, PRX and Google Podcasts are partnering for a free one-day seminar called Podcast Recess, set for the Saturday before Thanksgiving, November 21.
iHeartRadio bought Voxnest, which owns the Spreaker platform.
Stitcher is redesigning its platform:
The Athletic is now partnering with Megaphone for hosting and dynamic ads.
Shure has released a mid-price point microphone, the MV7, for $249.
I haven’t tried it, but Forbes has a great review on it. It’s got USB and XLR, it’s a dynamic mic, software control, and you can even record into an iPhone or iPad with it.
As always, if you need help starting/launching your podcast, or if you have a podcast but don’t have the time for a detailed edit, I’m happy to help. Find me on social @JAGinDetroit or on my website,
You can also email me:
I’m always happy to chat.