I first met Johnny Peterson from Straight Up Podcasts at Podcast Movement in Orlando last summer – you know, in the old days when we could travel. Since then, we’ve both joined a podcast editors’ discussion group, where we have a monthly conference call to share ideas. I called down to Fort Worth, Texas, to learn more about Johnny’s podcast and business journey.
In this episode we cover:
- How a few fortuitous moments at TCU led Johnny to podcasting
- The importance of your recording environment
- Johnny’s $700 boo-boo
- My epic fail attempting to interview Ryan Seacrest
- Particulars of editing a good podcast
- Johnny’s biggest podcast pet peeves
- The power of short (under 5 minute) podcasts
- What each of us has learned, and where we hope to take our similar, yet different, businesses.
Johnny on Twitter: https://twitter.com/johnny3terson
Straight Up Podcasts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/straightuppods
Straight Up Podcasts Website: https://straightuppodcasts.com/
JAG in Detroit On Twitter: https://twitter.com/JAGinDetroit
JAG in Detroit Website: https://jagindetroit.com/
My Ryan Seacrest interview, referenced in today’s show: https://thejagshow.simplecast.com/episodes/my-2014-ryan-seacrest-interview