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Apple considering a podcast subscription in Apple One? I hate the idea...and feel like I'd just listen in Spotify or elsewhere. But the carrot might be that Apple could pay podcast creators for their content if they make it exclusive. I'm skeptical -I'm only paying for something if it's REALLY worth it. For example, I already pay for YouTube TV, Netflix, and more...I'm not likely to drop another $10 or $15 a month on another subscription. Meanwhile, Apple has announced they will Spotlight more independent podcasters, good news from those worried about corporate behemouths taking over the space. Here's a nice roundup from James Cridland of PodNews. https://podnews.net/update/apple-podcast-subscriptions
Apple is also beginning to test versions of Apple Podcasts and Apple Music on Windows. That would be nice, to not have to use iTunes on my HP laptop. https://9to5mac.com/2021/01/14/apple-working-to-release-music-and-podcasts-apps-on-microsoft-store
Some former Conde Nast Audio employees have written an open letter trashing their former employer for how they were treated. They allege long hours, low pay, poor communication, and essentially being taken for granted. My take - you get out what you put in. Like anything, audio production can be done right, or it can be done on the cheap. And the difference is obvious: https://formerlycneaudio.medium.com/our-experience-making-podcasts-for-cond%C3%A9-nast-1cc802807891
Bloomberg had an article last week talking about Spotify's big bet on podcasting: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-01-12/spotify-spot-views-joe-rogan-more-podcasts-as-path-to-profitability
But this week, Citi (as in the financial company) is not impressed. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/15/spotifys-big-bet-on-podcasts-is-failing-citi-says.html
Pocket Casts being sold - NPR owns about a third of it.
Michael Barbaro apologizes for blocking critics of Caliphate: https://twitter.com/mikiebarb/status/1350537776874315777
Are Podcasts the new home for domestic terrorists? https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-conspiracy-theories-media-misinformation-social-media-b7bb0ace8a617af733357f6ee15aca03
There were protests at a podcast studio in Niagara Falls this week, alleging that some hosts were recording shows with hate speech: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/protesters-call-podcast-studio-racist-demand-it-be-removed-from-cultural-center
Infinite Dial 2021 will be March 11. Can't wait to see the numbers.
Finally, a huge thank you to the Podcast Editors Mastermind for having me on an episode of their show, released yesterday. We talked about my journey from radio to podcasting, and how I run my business. You can hear the show here: https://player.captivate.fm/episode/503e76e1-61e9-4b16-b9ac-d8ef0a38de73
Need help with your podcast? Find me:
Email: jag@jagindetroit.com
On Social: @JAGinDetroit