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I've long said the only way for music radio to survive is by bringing personality back and differentiating itself from Spotify, Pandora, and other streaming services. We've actually seen some movement on this front, with some stations going back to two-person afternoon shows. Even SiriusXM seems to be adding more DJ's to their Pop2K, Pop Rocks, and other channels. Sadly, Audacy, the second biggest radio company in the country, seems to be doing the opposite. They eliminated a boat-load of CHR, or pop, radio DJ's at the end of last week - this after doing the same previously with country and alternative. Now, a handful of DJ's will be on double-digit stations across the country.
A disclaimer. Middays for much of the country will be done by Julia, who is a friend of mine. I worked with her at Amp Radio here in Detroit and consider her to be one of the most creative people I worked with in my 15 year radio career. So if you're Julia, and they say hey, we want to syndicate you nationally, that's a no-brainer. No ill will toward her.
I guarantee Julia's show will have great content for the stations she's on, maybe even more compelling than the former local DJ's in some cases. But more radio people are out of work, and there's more connections to local communities that are gone. For Audacy, It's a great way to cut costs when you're moving all your resources to digital, but it doesn't bode well for the future of radio.
On to this week's podcasting news.
There's a new social audio app that focuses on short form content, called "Racket." It speaks to a larger trend in media toward shorter stuff. Think about the recent success of TikTok and Instagram. How does this translate to podcasting? Well, maybe shorter episodes are the way to go. You can always go too long on an episode, but can you really be too short? Back to the old radio cliche: Leave 'em wanting more. https://www.theverge.com/2021/7/16/22570683/audio-short-form-podcast-app-racket-beams
Auttomatic, the company that owns WordPress, has bought Podcast listening app Pocketcasts - makes me wonder if that means easier integrations for podcast listening through websites. https://wordpress.com/blog/2021/07/16/popular-podcast-app-pocket-casts-joins-automattic/
If you still want to use Apple Podcasts as your listening app of choice, do yourself, and podcast creators a solid. Upgrade to the latest version of iOS - there should be some fixes for podcast download issues. James Cridland of PodNews, as always, is on top of it: https://podnews.net/update/podcast-download-bug
One more Jag Show next week, then a break at the beginning of August while I attend Podcast Movement in Nashville - hope to see you there. And finally, if you'll indulge me, two quick plugs.
This week, I was the featured guest on the "Do What You Love" podcast, from Las Vegas morning show host, and recent ESPN play by play man Jeff Kurkjian. Jeff's a friend, and just such a great, solid, positive guy. We talked all things podcasting, and a little bit of radio too.
Apple: https://apple.co/2W5YuTX
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2UWjgEL
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WWhyDOMCtA
Also, I'm thrilled for JAG in Detroit's latest partnership - with Tanner Friedman Strategic Communications here in Michigan, and their client CARE HOUSE of Oakland County, a place that helps victims of abuse. The podcast is called, "It Shouldn't Hurt To Be a Child." The trailer is up now, with Episode 1 to land shortly.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/it-shouldnt-hurt-to-be-a-child/id1569471566
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1Muu591lk9Et22ev6PWIob?si=cNSDN4e8QoyvOhOLz0PxoQ&dl_branch=1
As always, if you need a podcast consult, you can always reach out to me at http://jagindetroit.com/
Note: Transcript is auto-generated by AI and may not be 100% accurate.
Jag: I frequently find myself at the intersection of my former career in radio and my new career in podcasting. And I've long said the only way for music radio to survive is by bringing personality back to differentiate itself from Spotify, Pandora, and other streaming services.
We've actually seen some movement in the right direction. Lately. Some stations have gone back to two person afternoons. And Sirius XM stations like pop rocks and pop two K and others have actually added more DJs to their stations now, sadly Odyssey, which is the second largest owner of radio stations in the country, formerly CBS, formerly.
They actually eliminated a boatload of CHR or top 40 radio DJs at the end of last week, this, after doing the same thing with country and alternative formats, now a handful of DJs are going to be on double-digit stations across the country. Now I do have to throw in a disclaimer here. Um, mid days for much of the country are going to be done by Julia.
Who's. A friend of mine. I worked with Julia here at amp radio in Detroit. I consider her one of the most creative and talented people I work with. In my 15 year radio career, I think she's great. So if you're Julia and the company comes to you and says, Hey, we want to syndicate you nationally. That's a no brainer.
So no ill will towards her. She's doing what's right for her. And I can guarantee that Julia's show is going to have great content for the stations that she's on. Maybe even more compelling than the local DJs in the cases of some markets, but more radio people. And there's more connections to the local community that are lost because of it for Odyssey the company.
It's a great way cut costs when you're moving all of your resources from radio to digital, but it does not bode well for the future of music radio. Okay. Onto this week's podcast. There's a new social audio app that focuses on short form content. It's called racket. It appears to be part of a larger trend in media, towards shorter stuff.
Think about the recent success in the last year or two of tick talk and Instagram short form content. How does that translate to podcasting? Well, maybe shorter episodes are the way to go. You can always go too long in an episode. But can you really be too short back to the old radio cliche? Leave your audience wanting more interesting article about this in the verge.
LinkedIn today's shownotes automatic. That's with two T's at the front automatic, the company that owns WordPress, which you may have built your website on has bought podcast listening app pocket cash. That has me wondering if that's going to be maybe an easier integration for your website. If you have a podcast with a pocket cast in WordPress.
So keep an eye on that. The official release from WordPress links in today's show notes. If you still want to use apple podcast as your listening app of choice, do yourself in all podcasts, creators a solid and upgrade yourself to the latest iOS version on your iPhone, your iPad, or any device. This should come with some fixes to these podcasts, download glitches, where podcasts aren't downloading, and you're not getting the shows you want.
And the creators are having their numbers be hurt by it. Uh, James Cridland from pod news as always is on top of it. He's LinkedIn today showing him. Uh, one more JAG show next week, then a break at the beginning of August while I attend podcast movement in Nashville. I hope to see you there. And finally, if you'll indulge me two quick plugs this week, I was the featured guest on the do what you love podcast from Las Vegas morning show host and recent ESPN play by play guy, Jeff Curry.
Jeff is a friend and just a great solid positive guy. We talked at length about all things podcasting and it's a fun listen or watch got apple, Spotify and YouTube links in today's show notes. It's called the do what you love podcast highly recommended. Also I'm thrilled for jaggy. Detroit's latest partnership with Tanner Friedman, strategic communications here in Michigan and their client care house of Oakland county.
It's a place that helps victims of abuse. And the podcast is called. It shouldn't hurt to be a child trailer up. Now, episode one is coming soon. You can link to that in apple or Spotify from today's show notes as always stay healthy and stay safe. And I will talk to you next week later.