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Transcript/Show Notes:
Who's bigger? Spotify or Apple? Well, both....
Welcome in to episode 100 of this season of the Jag Show Podcast. Spotify says it's now bigger than Apple in terms of users. That's from their Q3 numbers. As always, Tom Webster from Edison Research has a great explainer on this. (Full disclosure: Spotify and Apple are both Edison clients). Webster says that more users prefer Spotify, but Apple still leads the pack in total downloads.
Bottom line, use whichever one you like. I tried going back to Apple after they worked out their bugs, but found I personally liked Spotify's user interface better. Your mileage may vary.
Another battle in podcasting that's heating up is automated transcriptions. As Amazon makes a big push into the space, they've begun transcribing some of their bigger shows. If that gets rolled out to all shows, that could make Amazon a bigger player in the podcasting space. Here's their press release, via PodNews: https://podnews.net/press-release/amazon-music-transcripts
Podcast production house Pineapple Street Media is looking for paid interns for the first half of 2022. If you want to get into the space, this could be a great opportunity. Radio people are you listening? I said PAID internships. https://pineapple.fm/internship
As expected, podcast ad revenue is exploding in 2021, still rising after the initial pandemic boost of 2021. Magellan AI has a deep dive into ad revenue, but the key takeaways are podcast ad spending is up 87% year over year, and 22% since just Q2. You can download their Q3 full report here: https://www.magellan.ai/resources/reports/q3-podcast-advertising-benchmark-report
How much can you charge advertisers on your show, and when can you start? Advertisecast has rates starting at 1,000 listeners per episode. Rates have gone up in 2021. For a 30 second ad, it's $18 CPM, so $18 for every thousand listeners you have. For a 60 second ad, it's $25 CPM. They also have a cool interactive calculator to figure out your spend, or maybe what you can charge. https://www.advertisecast.com/podcast-advertising-rates
Meanwhile, we'll find out Friday what the going rates are for podcast editing. Steve Stewart and Mark Deal of the Podcast Editor's Club do an annual survey of their members to figure out average rates and more information. They will show their results on Friday at 5pm Eastern, in the Podcast Editor's Club and on YouTube. https://www.podcasteditoracademy.com/2021survey
And finally, I still don't understand Facebook's podcast rollout. I listened to the New Media Show's interview with two Facebook employees, and still don't have much clarification - except that you can connect a show to a page, not a personal profile and not a group. And it will only show up on mobile, not desktop. It looks like last week's Jag Show Podcast showed up, with the show notes as a huge glob of text, with the audio under it. If you have a moment, cruise on over to Jag in Detroit Podcasts on your Facebook mobile app, and let me know what you see. Until next week, stay healthy and stay safe. Lata!